

Any student failing two (2) core subjects may be retained in his/her current grade. Other factors such as performance on State or other normed achievement tests may be considered when making decisions on retention. Eighth (8th) grade students must have all required credits completed by graduation date to participate in the graduation ceremony.


To graduate from high school, unless otherwise exempted, each student is responsible for:

1. Completing all State mandated graduation requirements listed below.

2. Completing all District graduation requirements that are in addition to State graduation requirements.

3. Passing an examination on patriotism and principles of representative government, proper use of the flag, methods of voting, and the
Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Participating in the State assessment required for graduation.

State Mandated Graduation Requirements

(a) (4) Four years of language arts.

(b) (2) Two years of writing intensive courses, one of which must be English and the other of which may be English or any other subject.
When applicable, writing-intensive courses may be counted towards the fulfillment of other graduation requirements.

(c) (3) Three years of mathematics, one of which must be Algebra I and one of which must include geometry content and one of which may
be an Advanced Placement computer science course if the pupil successfully completes Algebra II or an integrated mathematics course
with Algebra II content.

(d) (2) Two years of science.

(e) (2) Two years of social studies, of which at least one year must be the history of the United States or a combination of history of the
United States and American government. Within the two years of social studies requirement, one semester of civics is required for
graduation beginning with the freshman class of 2016-17.

(f) (1) One year chosen from (A) music, (B) art, (C) foreign language, which shall be deemed to include American Sign Language, or (D)
vocational education.

(g) (½) One semester of health education.

(h) Daily physical education classes.

(i) A course covering American patriotism and the principles of representative government, as enunciated in the American Declaration of
Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the proper use and
display of the American flag.

(j) Nine weeks of consumer education.

(h) Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form

Additional Hardin County CUSD #1 Requirements

Twenty (20) Credits are required to graduate. College bound students may have additional requirements.

1. (½) Drivers’ Education Credit
2. (½) Resource Management Credit
3. (3½) P.E. Credits – (Unless Dr. Excused or Exempted)
4. (4) Elective Credits
5. Passing the United States and Illinois Constitution tests.
6. Completing the assigned standardized testing per grade or subject.
7. Seniors must have all credits completed by graduation date to participate in the graduation ceremony.
8. No student may graduate prior to his/her graduating class.

*** The above requirements do not apply to students with disabilities whose course of study is determined by an Individualized Education Program or students who are exempted from participation in certain courses in accordance with State law.***