Earth Science Syllabus
Hardin County High School
Course Philosophy: To increase scientific awareness and academic proficiency through appropriate scholastic rigor in knowledge of Earth and Space Science
Course Description: Earth Science courses offer insight into the environment on earth and the earth’s environment in space. While presenting the concepts and principles essential to students’ understanding of the dynamics and history of the earth, these courses usually explore oceanography, geology, astronomy, meteorology, and geography.
Teacher: Candice Potts
Room: 4
Email: [email protected]
Classroom Period: 3
Classroom link for general information (Parents): (updated periodically)
Classroom resources provided to all students if schoolwide remote is needed :
Google Classroom Code: zp2lanv
Classroom Expectations
1.) Possess a positive attitude and be honest and proactive about getting extra help when needed.
2.) Complete all assignments in the time allotted, unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Handbook policies will be strictly enforced in regards to late work, including those policies for unexcused absences
3.) Be present during class, both mentally and physically. Maintain focus and effort. Contribute.
4.) Arrive on time and prepared with binder, books and a pen/pencil
5.) Do your own work. Times will vary between group/partner collaboration and individual assessments. Students are expected to know the difference and work accordingly.
6.) Treat all staff, students, equipment and furniture appropriately and respectfully. Notify a teacher if you feel that you are not being treated this way.
7.) Adhere to all school rules, policies and procedures as provided by the HCHS Student Handbook.
8.) Take classroom notes, don’t be disruptive at any time in the classroom, don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Grades (Points vary by assignment)
-Interactive Science Notebook 10-20 points each
- Homework/Activities 5-20 points each
-Labs 10-20 points each
-Quizzes 40-60 points
-Tests 100 points
**Averages will be updated weekly in Teacherease**
1.) All students have access to Google Classroom should we have any schoolwide need for remote instruction. While we don’t anticipate the need for use of Google Classroom in this class, all students need to be a member of the classroom. If the school moves into a period of remote learning you will receive assignment instructions via the STREAM or a formal ASSIGNMENT in the CLASSWORK Tab; students will need to access the classroom DAILY.
2) I do not accept late assignments. Policies are set in the HCHS Student Handbook.
Late/Makeup work guidelines: ½ credit for 1st day assignment is late, zero any day after.
While I’m strict about my homework policy, things do happen from time to time. Stay in communication with me; if I don’t know, I can’t help.
3) Work given during unexcused absences will not be allowed to be made up.
4.) I AM ALWAYS AVAILABLE BY EMAIL AT [email protected]
5.) Assignments will not be given on a remote basis, students must be in attendance